Timescale: Data Security and Privacy Statement


This is a data security and privacy statement for Timescale app.


We do not collect any personal data from your use of our plugin.  Add-on may log error details for better diagnostics in case of a problem. Add-on uses Papertrail logging service via Heroku to log execution stack trace and cause details, including information, as passed by Atlassian Connect Framework. Additional information we receive is usage statistics and licensing information through Atlassian's marketplace API.

Data Storage

No personally identifiable data are stored on our servers. The app runs completely client side only. Configuration is stored in Atlassian servers.

Permissions Scope

Our plugin requires read permission to be able to read your issues details including relevant worklogs. We also need write permission to update the worklogs.


Our application is hosted on Heroku Cloud Application Platform.

Data Retention

No personally identifiable data are stored on our servers. The app runs completely client side only.


All app code is served to you from Heroku servers, using SSL. If you have found a security vulnerability, please email us mailto:contact@timescalejira.com .

Email Addresses Privacy.

Our application uses a Jira Rest Api to get the email address of certain users. Those email addresses are not stored on our servers. The emails are used only to send notifications if a User Timesheet has been submitted, approved or rejected. Our applications uses mailJS and mailjet to automate this process. See their privacy references below.

Our application is hosted on Heroku Cloud Application Platform.
